
Ángel Serrano Aroca was born in Valencia, Spain, and his life has always been guided by his passion for art and science.

Serrano started designing and painting very young, winning his first Prize when he was only six. He studied painting and engraving at recognised Art Schools of Valencia from 2007 to 2009. In addition, he studied music at the Centro Instructivo Musical of Benimaclet and the José Iturbi Conservatory.

He started gaining national recognition in a group exhibition at the prestigious IVAM modern art museum in 2008. After that, he conducted his first solo exhibition in Amantea, Italy, in 2009. His art has been internationally recognized in international competitions, museums and fairs of Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Germany and England such as the Saatchi Gallery of London.

In the scientific field, he completed his Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de València, in 1998. After two years of travelling and learning from other cultures, he started working in the field of Advanced Materials to obtain his Ph.D. in 2005. Currently, he is a consolidated scientist and Professor in this field, managing the Serrano BBlab.

Due to his passion for art and science, Serrano has developed new painting procedures and techniques that are shown in his artworks.


Saatchi Gallery Showdown. Top 4 winner from a grand total of 5721 entries. London, United Kingdom, 2011.

II Ibercaja Young Painting Prize. Top 31 from a total of 81 entries. Spain, 2011.

ADA Prize. Fist Prize Winner. Italy, 2009.

XXXV Bancaja Painting Prize. Top 35 from a total of 506 entries. Spain 2008.

El rey Don Jaime visto por los niños. Fisrt Prize Winner organized by the Valencia City Council in collaboration with El corte Ingles, Spain 1981, when Serrano was only six years old.


II Ibercaja de Pintura Joven, (2009) Prize Catalog, Departamento Obra Social Ed., DEPÍSITO LEGAL Z-3587-09.

XXXV Premio Bancaja de Pintura, Escultura y Arte Digital, (2008) Prize Catalog, ISBN:978-84-8471-142-1.

Artistes solidarIs per Etiòpia. (2013) Store Catalog, Abay Etiopia Org Ed., R.N.A. 588177.