
Serrano, one of the 4 Top Winner for the Saatchi Gallery SHOWDOWN

via Saatchi Gallery
February 1, 2011

TeIl us what inspired this piece you submitted for SHOWDOWN ?

Serrano: Walking trough the streets of Valencia, I saw these two little girls dressed in white and playing with umbrellas under the sunlight of Valencia. I captured this wonderful image befor the sun went down and from that moment I could not stop thinking about the need of expressing the sweetness of what I saw. In fact, I automatically got up very early next morning and I went to my studio to start working on this piece of art. I love working on this stage of life which I consider to be pure and clean. When I completed this piece, it was one of the happiest and more satisfying moments that I have ever had in my life.

Niñas valencianas con sombrilla. Acrylic on canvas. 120x80x4cm

What would you call your style?

Serrano: Serranonism which is made of a complex recipe: neo-impressionism + modified abstract expressionism both of them using acrylic paint and letting most water to evaporate at the beginning.

Who is your favorite artist?

Serrano: Lisa Yuskayage is my favorite artist. I love many of her pieces as Travelers from 2008 and Lurid and luscious… Wilderness from 2009. I love the way she express herself to show the sweet part of this life as I also try to do. I adore the colour harmony thaf she applies on her pieces.

Please tell us about your recent and upcoming exhibitions.

Serrano: Galerie d’Arte Le Muse(currently) in Cosenza and the VIII' Florence Biennale (8-11 Dicern'oer 2011).